We are proud to announce our new warehouse in the Colon Container Terminal in the port of Manzanillo, Panama

Victor NunezFreight Forwarding, News, Ocean FreightLeave a Comment

Since 1513, Panama has been a bridge for trade. Thanks to our unique and privileged location, CLP offers a regional hub for servicing neighboring markets on a just in time needed basis. Weekly sailing allow for a quick resupply without unnecessary buildup of inventories in each country. A little known (con N) fact is that Panama has the greatest concentration of ports for containers moves throughout Latin America.

CLP will be Panama’s newest logistics park. We offer the supply chain smarts, low cost, technology and professional services that deliver and connect your business quickly and conveniently to global markets.

Colon Logistic Park, strategically located within the Colon Container Terminal (Evergreen) in the city of Colon, is just 75 five minutes from Panama City and the Tocumen International Airport, Panama’s international airport.

“Even though shipping directly requires less transportation and handling costs, a regional distribution center provides attractive trade-offs in terms of inventory investment and customer response times, which, in the case of Panama are magnified by its unique geographic advantage and connectivity” – Georgia Tech Panama

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Victor Nunez

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